
Showing posts from November, 2022

Close Enough Origami Tessellation

  This tessellation makes so much sense that I can't believe it took me this long to find it.  Open back hexagon stars connected by small triangle twists.  The reverse side has some interesting shapes on it.  Everything fits together so nicely.  It's one of your simpler tessellations, but those always seem to have the best end results.  I believe I have a crease pattern, I just need to find it, photograph it and upload it.  Will update this post when I do. Update: Added crease pattern to the end of this post. It's not hard to figure out though. All the twists on the front side are pretty straightforward. The shapes on the other side are a little tricky. But as you work the front, the other side kind of falls into place.   

Flight Patterns Origami Tessellation

 While looking for inspiration I was poking around on flickr for crease patterns. I saw one by Robin Scholz that had as one of its components three long slender triangles around a regular triangle twist. This was new to me. Upon seeing that, I decided that one small piece of his much more complex tessellation would become the basis for one of my own.  So I took that little triad and I added some more triangle twists and I came up with this tessellation.  I'd say it's medium difficulty. It's not as fussy as a flagstone, but it's not as easy as designs with larger twist shapes.  The crease pattern sketch for this tessellation is at the bottom of this post. 

Camelias Origami Tessellation

 This is a tessellation that while it was easy enough to conceive, it was a bit of a struggle to execute. In some ways, those are the best kind.  It's very densely packed and requires a lot of patience as well as some pretty sturdy paper.  My paper wasn't quite as sturdy as I would've liked, but it got the job done.  The first time I attempted this, I got pretty far, but not all the way to completion.  This was my second attempt and I'm pretty pleased with the finished product.  There's a very basic  origami model that looks very similar to the modules that make up this tessellation. It's called the camelia. It's not the same, but as soon as I saw the central fold, I was reminded of it. I can still recall learning it years ago when I was still new to origami.  Wonderful what bubbles up from the back reaches of our minds to inspire new creations.  I still need to take a pic of the crease pattern. Will add that at a later date.  Update: Crease pattern added be

Hornets' Nests Origami Tessellation

 This tessellation builds upon others that use the same beginning foundation. As with most origami tessellations, it then finds a  new direction to go from that common starting point.  When I first thought of it, I wasn't really clear on if it would work.  But it looked good on paper, so I forged ahead.  I was actually a little confused as to how the gaps between the triple intersections would work.  But when I actually went to fold the other components it became much clearer.  The reverse side shows what it has in common with other tessellations.  It starts with open back hexagons with some standard flaps.  But on the front side there are the bullet shapes to change things.  The rest of the details can be seen in the crease pattern that I've included at the end of this post.  There's a sketch of different tess in the bottom left corner of the crease pattern. It does not pertain to this one. 

Crowding Smiles Origami Tessellation

 Triangle twist clusters are an interesting and easy way to create cool designs with origami tessellations.  In this case, I decided to cluster sets of 6 triangle twists around central hex twists.  It came together pretty quickly. It was a perfect fold for a kind of soggy day because the paper didn't need to be very crisp or sturdy.  I don't believe I've seen this particular configuration before, but it certainly may have been discovered previously.  At any rate, it was new to me.  It's a pretty easy fold. The only tricky part is the axes on the hex twists have to overlap each other. Not too hard to do.  The reverse side is pretty neat on its own.  The crease pattern is down below for those that might want it. 

Spun Right Round Origami Tessellation

A few posts back I showcased the "Merry Go Rounds" origami tessellation ". This post and its images are the same exact tessellation with some of the folds rearranged. It offers a completely different final product.  The actual structure is basically identical. However, we orient the finished folds in a different configuration and wind up with something unique unto itself.  It's pretty cool that two such similar executions can yield such wildly different results.  Just another wonderful secret to discover in the folding of origami tessellations.  No doubt, there are many such instances of this phenomenon in other designs.  If you're interested in the crease pattern just follow the link at the top of this post to the first incarnation of Merry Go Rounds.