
Showing posts from April, 2022

Reverse and Fold of a Tessellation by Peter Keller

Update: I've been informed, it's actually not a Keller tessellation.  It's similar to a tess by @gatheringfolds , but a little different to that as well.  I saw a tess by Keller and while working out the mechanics didn't refer back to the original enough. As a result, I wound up with this.  Serendipity I guess. This is a tessellation that I saw on Peter Keller's ( @valleyfolder ) instagram feed. I love a good rhombus based design, so I was compelled to recreate it.  It was easy to figure and easy to fold. Sometimes you just want to do one of those. They're like paper therapy.  Can't always do the crazy hard ones.  The best part is, they always backlight so nicely and make for such pretty pictures.  The interesting thing about this tessellation design is that it uses collapsed hexagons instead of standard twists. This is apparent in the photos of the reverse side.  I saved my crease pattern sketch. I haven't taken a pic of it yet, but will try to remember

Twisting Tightly Origami Tessellation

 Been fiddling around with really densely twisted designs. They're tricky to fold and honestly, don't always yield great photographic results.  It's been my experience that simpler designs photograph more beautifully.  Nevertheless, the challenge of the more complex is appealing.  And so, I came up with this.  Originally, I thought this first pic would be the back, but I later decided it should be the front.  The original idea was small offset hexagon twists with a star of triangles around it.  Then a rectangle leading to the next triangle where the hexes repeat.  Perhaps with different type of paper that 'front side' would photograph better. But this design definitely required thick paper.  It's a little more impressive to the human eye than a camera, but there's little to be done about that.  I have a less than exact crease pattern, which I'll probably upload at a later date. 

A Simple Flagstone Tessellation

 This is either a Joel Cooper or a Robin Scholz design. I'm not certain which.  It's a pretty basic flagstone. Double length rhombuses on the front. Hexagon twists and double size triangles on the reverse side.  It's possible that I've folded this before. Not sure. Back in my early days of learning flagstone folding I was not able to produce such wonderfully neat final products as this one.  Nowadays, flagstones actually feel easy to do. Strange how those things work out that way.  This seems like a perfect design for someone who wants to begin trying their hand at folding flagstone tessellations.  It's not too complicated or labor intensive and it yields a really nice end result.  If you're already familiar with how to map flagstone tessellation you'll have no trouble plotting this.  If you're still learning them, the crease pattern is included at the bottom of this post. 

Diabolically Nested Triangles Origami Tessellation

 Over the years, I've folded some intensely difficult origami tessellations designed by some of the masters of the craft. As a result, I've sometimes lovingly referred to those designers and their creations  as evil and or diabolical.  The truth is, those are my favorite kind.  I never thought the day would come, but I've officially become one of them.  This idea of mine is diabolical and therefore, I must be evil for having come up with it.  I'm being facetious, of course, but still, it's pretty crazy. It's just all kinds of wrong, and yet it works.  I just so happened to do it with pretty weak paper on a very rainy day. Every step of the way, I was sure it would fail.  \ But strangely, it did not.  Should you wish to fold it, I strongly recommend a better quality paper and a non-rainy day.  I have the crease pattern that I drew, but it's not really a precise representation of how to fold it.  It certainly gives a starting point, but it's somewhat incom

Reverse and Fold of Triangle Triads by GatheringFolds

 Figuring out how to fold other people's designs is usually a fun endeavor.  Depending on the complexity and the photos available, it can either be a delightful diversion or it can be a maddening exercise.  But, I've learned so much taking on those challenges.  And it feels so good to solve the tough ones.  I did struggle a little figuring this particular design by gatheringfolds.  It actually wasn't until I had a related idea of my own that I finally hit upon the solution.  It's a unique design in that the front and the back are essentially the same. That's what tripped me up the most. I was wondering what the reverse side looked like, not realizing that it looked the same.  It's small offset hexagons. The triangle twists directly off of them alternate from front to back. But instead of a straight repeat, their repetitions are connected by open back triangle twists. Not too insanely tricky to execute, but not that easy either.  Another thing I sometimes find a

Chain Link Origami Tessellation

  This is an unusual one. It reminds me of designs I've recreated by Arseniy K, but as far as I know, it's unique.  The central shape is an open back hexagon. There are some asymmetrical wings off of that. Some small triangle twists on the reverse. There are also grid natural parallelograms on the back.  It's a tricky one to get to work, but it does work.  I do have my crease pattern. I'll add it to the bottom of this post. 

Twinkling Stars Origami Tessellation

This tessellation is an idea I had kind of out of the blue. I wasn't particularly trying to come up with something. Nor did I have an image in my mind that I was trying to bring to life. It's a pretty easy one to fold. Not complicated at all. Starry shaped open back hexagon twists are connected by small rectangles.  Some large triangle twists on the reverse side in the gaps.  I've been folding/tessellating like crazy lately.  Either I've got some new idea or else I've solved how to fold someone else's design.  In the beginning, I used to fold one every couple of weeks.  Then, it was one per week.  Now, it's two or three per week.  Guess, I'm just in the zone of late.  Ride the wave while it lasts, I suppose. It can't last forever.  I may have a crease pattern for this one somewhere. Not sure. If I find it, I will upload it. 

Triangle Universe Origami Tessellation

 In my previous post I did a tessellation around small, offset hexagonal twists that arranged all the triangle twists around the hexagons in an alternating pattern of front/back, front/back. This is another experiment with alternating triangles in that same front/back sequence. In this case, there are small triangle twists on one side of the paper and open back triangle twists on the other side.  Both this tessellation and the one from the previous post were kind of inspired by a design I saw on Instagram by Madonna Yoder @gatheringfolds. I really liked how she did triads of triangles connected by larger triangles.  Didn't even realize until later, when I went to solve that design of hers that I had already partially solved it creating these two tessellation.  Makes sense though, I suppose.  I've since solved that one, but haven't finished folding it. It's a post for another day.  Don't remember if I have a crease pattern for this one. If I find it, I'll upload