
Showing posts from March, 2023

Solving Packing Origami Tessellation by Arseniy K

Another tessellation by Arseniy K. He called this one 'Packing'. It didn't give me too much trouble to solve it. It did however, give me a lot of trouble to actually fold it.  I used kraft paper because I knew it would be tough. Still, it probably would've benefited from a larger size of paper.  Nevertheless, it came together pretty well.  His was much neater, but I'm happy with mine.  I really do need to find larger paper, in some nice colors, that can actually hold up to these more intensive folds.  He sure does love the small and tricky folds.  His designs are always intriguing and inspiring.  As far as figuring it out, this one is pretty simple (for him), Small rectangles twisted about a triangle. Then he adds three more rectangles in the spaces between the original three. Repeat until you can't stand it anymore.  My tester/crease pattern sketch is included at the end of this post.

Solving Constellation Knots Origami Tessellation

 This is a variation on a tessellation I saw on Monika Hankova's Instagram feed. She also credited Wei Fu for the design.  Apparently it was a design of theirs that she had altered. I originally just solved it straight as it was posted, but then I discovered that it didn't really fit nicely on my 32 pleat grid. So I fiddled with it a little to shrink it some for a nicer finished product on a smaller grid size.  This is the result.  Personally, I like how compact everything is and all the layers that are created. Your opinion may differ.  It's traditional folds and twists. Nothing really difficult. It looks complicated, but it's pretty straightforward, actually.  It worked out really well with just ordinary printer paper.  As always, it's just one sheet of paper. Not cuts. Just folds.  Crease pattern sketch is included at the end of this post. 

Solving Joel Cooper's Hex Lattice Origami Tessellation

 This tessellation is one that I found on Joel Cooper's Flickr page. It's a combination of elements with which I'm very familiar. There are open back hexagons and they are surrounded by small offset hexes. The offset hexes are circled by alternating triangle twists and rhombus twists.  Because the shapes and techniques used were ones I've used on many occasions it took only a few minutes to solve his design.  It's nice sometimes when it comes that easily.  As for the actual folding of it, it was just as pleasant. It came together without much fuss at all.  Personally, I kinda like the back side a little more than we he deemed the front. Which is why I've made it the first photo.  He called this design Hex Lattice Tess. That name is illustrated nicely in the front (second) photo. This tessellation is a particularly interesting hybrid of several shapes and techniques. It's a somewhat complex structure that is also a lot of fun to fold.  My crease pattern drawi

Blackhole Suns Origami Tessellation

 This origami tessellation came about from my idea for the connected triangles and rectangles that feature in the repetitions. They are connected by flagstone style collapses. Their circular connections don't allow for a typical shape in their centers.  I discovered that a collapsed hexagon works there instead.  Because of its tight configuration, it was a little difficult to execute as a repeating tessellation.  It's pretty easy to do as a single module, but once you want to add more iterations, it gets a little finnicky. But overall, it's not that hard.  The reverse side has an interesting pattern as well.   My crease pattern for this tessellation is included at the bottom of this post. 

Solved Grey Hex Tess Origami Tessellation

 This is also a Joel Cooper tessellation that I recently reverse engineered and folded.  It's triads of triangles around offset hex twists. Parallelograms on the other side. The repetitions are spaced a few pleats apart. This creates some 1.5 open back hexagons in the spaces between the repetitions.  The finished tessellation has a nice weave like effect, even though it's just a single sheet of paper.  It's a nice tessellation to fold. It's not very tricky. It doesn't require particularly sturdy paper.  It's a lesson in how spacing can completely change a design.  It's a pretty old tessellation that I found on his Flickr account.  The photo was kind of fuzzy, but his description provided additional clarity. The reverse side also yields a pretty interesting design.  It's also a tessellation that photographs nicely both backlit and not.  If you're looking to solve something that's interesting, but not too challenging, you might like this one.  I