
Showing posts from July, 2019

Razor Blades Tessellation

This is another tessellation by Arseniy K as found on flickr. Mapped it out. Refolded it. His style intrigues me. It flows really nicely even though it tends to be packed in on itself. I found this pretty easy to figure out the pattern, but very tedious to actually fold. I spent a good deal of time working everything into its proper place. I've been accused of being obsessive when it comes to origami. I don't dispute it. It's necessary. In my opinion, the design looks best unlit, as seen in the first photo, but the backlit version is interesting. As seen in the second picture. I think the backlit version detracts from the complexity of the overall structure. Below I've included my sketch that I used to figure and fold the design. Use it at your own risk. Once you begin, it will become hard to stop and it will be quite difficult to complete.

Turning Gears Origami Tessellation

I really haven't landed upon any new origami tessellations of mine own as of late. Instead, I've been having a good time finding those of others and figuring out how to fold them. It's a wonderful way to spend a few hours. This one was simple enough to figure out, but pretty difficult to execute. It's comprised of mostly fussy folds. A lot of off grid work and tight vertices. It also requires a bigger grid. Even just one repetition needs at least 19 pleats on the half. Whenever I'm trying to fold a design that won't fit on a 32 pleat grid I always go for a 48 pleat grid. It's the next easiest to fold from a hexagon. You can get thirds pretty easily and then just keep doubling. I haven't yet found a tessellation that I couldn't fit into one of these two sizes of grid. Mine don't always have as many repetitions, but I don't mind that. The end results still turn out great. Still, I wound up folding it pretty small. Even the largest hex tak

My Left Foot Origami Tessellation

This origami tessellation is rhombus twists off of hex collapses. You do a little hex in one direction and collapse it with the next larger hex in the opposite direction. It makes some strange triangle/pie like shapes for connecting them. They just sort of fell into place as I went along. I didn't have them mapped out before I started folding. It all flows very smoothly once you find the right creases. Some triangle twists also occur where the rhombuses converge in triads. The original and my sketch use larger triangle twists. But when I went to fold it, I used smaller ones just to fit it better on my 32 pleat grid. I've included the sketch I used to deconstruct the design. It's not a detailed crease pattern, but it certainly provides a lot of clues on how to fold it. It's another design I found on flickr in a tessellation photo pool. The first image is my fold. The second image is my sketch of the creases. The last is the original found graphic that

Helicopters Origami Tessellation

This is an interpretation of a Robin Scholz single module. He may have already folded this tessellation. Or he may not have. I've seen photos of his with variations on this idea. I just decided to repeat it in a very straightforward way. This design may have been done before. It's doubtful that it hasn't already been done by numerous people. There's a small hex twist on the back. Then a ring of triangle twists around it on the front. They're a pleat out from the center. This makes it a little easier to fold initially. But when adding repetitions, it's still kinda tricky to get everything into its proper place. It's just a natural tessellation. Where each iteration blends seamlessly into the next. It was kinda tricky to fold. It wasn't easy by any stretch of the imagination. I had imagined it would backlight differently than it actually does. It looks a lot different backlit than it does flat. I did sketch out a crease pattern, but I l

Acacia Wreath by Arseniy K Origami Tessellation

I've been futzing around with design ideas and not really arriving at anything cohesive. This has led me to explore the folds of others. I've had some brilliant struggles with the intricate patterns of Robin Scholz. It's always very satisfying to eventually work it all out and finally achieve the finished product. I find a lot of ideas on flickr. Arseniy K is a frequent poster with interesting tessellations. His are quite different from what I'm used to folding. They are not twist based. They're more reversal oriented. His tessellation photostream This is one of his that I recreated. This is the original image I used to recreate it. I used a smaller grid. Very large grids don't work well with the paper I use. I also don't like folding really large grids. Unlike most tesses, this one looks better, I think, without backlight. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The final image shows the rear backlit. Just for illustrative purposes to