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Showing posts from May, 2019

Origami Tessellaton: Rectangles and Pie Slices

I downloaded a very similar crease pattern to what this fold uses somewhere on flickr. I modified it by shrinking the shapes. The original intent was to have the grid's smallest hexes and the pie piece shapes and rectangles relative to them. While thtat works in theory and could be executed, I was unable to create it with the paper I was using. It would make for a really spectacular tessellation, but would require, if not larger paper, at least, a sturdier variety. My paper began to go limp long before I was even close to completion. So I upped the size of everything by one pleat. Because it uses a 2 pleat hex it's not centered to the grid. But I didn't want to use a 3 pleat hex because I felt that was too spread out. Crease pattern for the original design. Smallest hex. Everything very densely packed. Creaes pattern for the scaled up version. Less impressive, but still kinda neat.

Concave Flowers Tessellation

This tessellation idea kinda fell into place accidentally, but as I saw the single module coming together, I became  quite fascinated with how it might look when tessellated. It was tough to fold as it is densely spaced and my paper isn't very large. In order to get a full set of outer repetitions it required a larger grid than I care to use on the size of paper I have available to me. A 48 pleat grid on a hex cut from 8.5 x 11 printer paper is not easy to work. It also used a technique I don't generally employ. I really manipulated the paper and the grid more than usual. There are some very small, very forced folds. It could've easily been a 3D fold rather than a flat fold, had I utilized fancier paper. If you have larger, thicker paper, this is one of those tessellations that would greatly benefit from it. Front pic is first. Rear is next. A crude crease pattern follows.

Twirling Rhombuses Origami Tessellation

Rhombuses around hexagons are a pretty standard tessellation technique. Usually the rhombuses and the hexes reside on opposite sides of the paper. I wanted to see how it might work out if both shared the front of the paper. I also wanted to be able to have multiple full repetitions of the modules. So I had to use a 48 division grid. I started out by doing the center the same way the outer copies look in the photo, but as I worked my way outward it wasn't possible to have all the copies flow properly while keeping the center situated that way. So I switched to having all the rhombuses of each outer module flow in a single direction and used the center as a means to balance them and flatten everything neatly. . I think it came out quite nice. A simple single iteration crease pattern is shown.
Solving Origami Tessellations dot com