
Showing posts from September, 2021

Right Triangles Origami Tessellation

 I found a crease pattern by Daniel Kwan that I was interested in folding. I don't remember what he called it. Update: He called it Triangle Tessellation 2. Tried to look for it again, but I couldn't find it the second time around. Update: I found it on via a link in instagram.  Then happyfolding had a link to the original crease pattern at his flickr.  It didn't look difficult, but it actually was quite intense.  I missed the warning at happyfolding that said how hard it was. . My first attempt failed So I decided to modify it to make it a little larger and therefore somewhat easier to execute. It was still really hard. Maybe my cheap paper is partially to blame.  But I was able to complete my modified version.  His used small offset hexagons. I just bumped it up to regular open back hexagons. There are right triangles off of the hexes and rectangles bridge the gaps. Some triangles are also a part of the equation on the backside..  I think I have a creas

Triangles Made of Triangles Tess

 I recently acquired Michel Ganan's book 'Tessellations and More'. I went in knowing it probably wasn't likely to teach me anything new, but that it might showcase ideas I hadn't thought of or otherwise seen.  He did some triangle twist configurations that I thought were really interesting. This gave me the idea for triangles made up of triangles. Why not? Right.  Pretty basic. Just triangle twists arranged in a specific pattern. But it produces a really nice looking finished product.  Super easy to fold. I didn't even pre-crease the triangles. I just used the spread squash technique. 

Triangle Triads

I think I've seen this idea around in various forms. Maybe not this exact configuration.  It's a triangle twist with wide wings off of it. It tessellates naturally in three directions, because it's triangular.  In order to fill in the gaps and have it flatten, I made the wings wider in the other three spaces.  It was hard to get a nice photos of it. I don't know why.  Zoom in on the backlit. It's pretty neat.  Had a crease pattern drawn. Lost it. Might draw another and add it.  But it shouldn't be hard to figure. Especially from the non-backlit picture.. It's an interesting little exercise. A little tricky. Nothing crazy.

Flowing Stones Origami Tessellation

 This is an idea I had a while back, but it felt a little simple. Because of the weather (humid = soft paper), I decided to just go ahead and bang it out and finally see how it would look finished.  It was a pretty easy fold. Nothing tricky about it.  It's a 3D fold. It does not flatten.  Crease pattern is super easy. Just that odd shape with triangles poking at the cross grid folds.  These kinds of ideas are prefect for weak paper and humid days. They really respond well to those circumstances.  But I'm eager for autumn and some crisp, dry days where complex folds are again feasible. I'd much rather fold something difficult, even if it's someone else's idea. 

Figured Out, But Haven't Quite Folded

So I found this pic I had saved a while back that really piqued my interest. It was folded by Origami Yonca and designed by Aresniy K. Those two really keep me busy with the origami solving.  It wasn't too difficult to figure out the creases, however, actually folding it was a very different experience.  First attempt was a fail. I used sturdy paper, but it was too humid. The paper went limp. Second attempt, I used barely okay paper, but I'm nearly there. Still working on some of the finer details.  I think size really is an issue. I'm using printer paper. So the folds tend to be very small.  I'm pretty sure if I went back to thick paper on a dry day it would turn out really nice. Just not sure that I want to make a third attempt. I'm pretty sure I can complete the second, even if it might have a few flaws.  I did sort of complete the second attempt. It's somewhat flawed. However, I realized that I had folded it on paper that for reasons I can't really discl

Kissing Stones Origami Tessellation

Something a little less intense. Double size hexagons with triangles off the points.  Blunt pyramids off of the triangles.  It's not wildly difficult or immensely intricate, but it was a fun little exercise.  It's a flat fold on a 32 pleat triangle grid.  Done on an ordinary 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of copy paper trimmed to a hexagon. .  You don't have to trim out the paper to a hexagon. It can be done just the same on the rectangle. I just find it's easier to reach the center with my stubby little fingers.  Other than the initial hexagon, No cuts. No buts. No coconuts. 

Framing It Origami Tessellation

I had come up with the crease pattern for a really cool tessellation that I'd saved to my google photos. It's quite intricate. The figuring part was actually easier than I expected. The folding part was a little more intense. I got to a point where I just had to take a step back. It was partially coalescing, but not quite.  It has a lot of fiddly little folds that need to happen for it to work. And I was just kind of over it.  I was glad to have figured it out from the picture of the model, but not really sure if I could actually fold it with the size of paper I was using. It was set aside for another day. Though, it still felt like a win, since I did have the mechanics all worked out on paper.  Moving on, taking a break from the hard stuff, I came up with something simpler just off the top of my head. An easy one was a welcome distraction.  It's pretty basic, but an interesting pattern still.  I forgot to take a pic of the crease pattern. Will upload it at a later date.