Reverse and Fold of a Tessellation by Peter Keller

Update: I've been informed, it's actually not a Keller tessellation. 

It's similar to a tess by @gatheringfolds, but a little different to that as well. 

I saw a tess by Keller and while working out the mechanics didn't refer back to the original enough. As a result, I wound up with this. 

Serendipity I guess.

This is a tessellation that I saw on Peter Keller's (@valleyfolder) instagram feed.

I love a good rhombus based design, so I was compelled to recreate it. 

It was easy to figure and easy to fold.

Sometimes you just want to do one of those. They're like paper therapy. 

Can't always do the crazy hard ones. 

The best part is, they always backlight so nicely and make for such pretty pictures. 

The interesting thing about this tessellation design is that it uses collapsed hexagons instead of standard twists. This is apparent in the photos of the reverse side. 

I saved my crease pattern sketch. I haven't taken a pic of it yet, but will try to remember to upload it in the future. 

This has been an original post created by


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