Star of David Flagstone Tessellation by Robin Scholz


Folded a Robin Scholz flagstone tessellation he named 'Star of David'. I was surprised to find a pattern of his I had not already executed. 

I used standard 20 lb copy paper. It worked out surprisingly well. It's dead of winter here. So the paper does as I command without complaint. 

It's a wonderful pattern. 

What I love most about flagstone tessellations is that they're so logical. 

Most, if not all, origami tessellations are logical, but flagstones are moreso somehow. 

Everything works together in a neat little package. 

If you're interested in folding flagstone tessellations the most helpful advice I can give is to work both sides of the paper. 

The reverse side of a flagstone tessellation is almost more important than the front. 

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