Solving Knotted Web Tessellation by GatheringFolds

 When I'm stuck for ideas for my own tessellations I like to try to solve those of others. This one is by gatheringfolds. It's intriguing  in that it's mirror images on either side. She has a talent for creating/finding these kinds of designs. 

It's composed of open back hexagons and triangle clusters. 

I used yellow 20 lb printer paper to fold it. 

When I first set about to solve it I was confident I knew it right away. I did fumble a bit, but  with a little persistence the solution coalesced. 

Once I knew how to proceed it was still a little finnicky to fold, but nothing too difficult. 

It's a wonderful design that I enjoyed figuring out and recreating. Kudos to her on another great idea. 

My crease pattern is included at the bottom. 

This has been an original post created by


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