Repetitious Rendezvous Tessellation

August 2024 Origami Tessellations

Repetitious Rendezvous Tessellation

 Here's an upper easy - low intermediate tessellation that creates a pretty neat pattern. 

There are only two shapes on the front. Rhombuses and large triangles. There is only one shape on the back. Open back hexagons. 

The rhombuses rotate around the hexagons. Then the triangles poke into the rhombuses two facilitate each new repetition. 

This is an example of an origami tessellation that is not hard to execute, but that still boasts an impressive finished model. 

I used ordinary printer paper and 32 pleat triangle grid. It was a stress-free fold. 

Personally, I particularly like the pattern of the triangles. Especially on the back view where they show up as negative space.  

Back View Repetitious Rendezvous Tess

My crease pattern is included below.

Crease pattern for Repetitious Rendezvous Origami Tessellation

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